Hello, I am Kikurukina Bal Des'cagel from the blog http://winx-fairies.blogspot.com/.
I have noticed that you are using our button. I kindly ask that you take them down from your blog because I worked to make them and you are infringing on my rights as an artist and Creative Commons rights. I am the original artist and I did not give you permission to use my art on your site.
fairy alisha,
ReplyDeleteHello, I am Kikurukina Bal Des'cagel from the blog http://winx-fairies.blogspot.com/.
I have noticed that you are using our button. I kindly ask that you take them down from your blog because I worked to make them and you are infringing on my rights as an artist and Creative Commons rights. I am the original artist and I did not give you permission to use my art on your site.
Thank you.